
TAP’s mission is to become the global currency of thanks. We believe that by enabling people to more easily thank keyworkers in Education, Healthcare and Social Care around the world, we can end the culture of complaining and replace it with one of thanking and showing appreciation.
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TAP Australia
Its first TAP user organisation, perhaps unsurprisingly, was the Western Australia Department of Fire and Emergency Services whose brave firefighters are considered heroes by everyone living in Australia as they regularly put their lives on the line to save others. You can view their Thanking Wall here: WA Department of Fire & Emergency Services Thanking Wall. 🡭
To: Fire Fighters
You all do an amazing job. My granddaughter is a volunteer fire fighter in NSW So proud of her as she was one of many out there fighting the 2020 bush fires. She also helped with the QId and Vic fires. She is so dedicated to help keep our communities safe. So proud of her and all the firies that fought those fires putting their own lives on the line to save others. Thank you each and every one of You. God bless You all.
Debra Orr
While the New South Wales Rural Doctors’ Network is the latest organisation to benefit from TAP’s free-to-use social thanking platform. You can view their Thanking Wall here: SW Rural Doctors’ Network Thanking Wall. 🡭
To: Rural Health professionals
Thank you all the volunteers and professionals who keep our country functioning whether that is in volunteer fire brigade, SES, salvation army, doctors an nurses in rural towns where hospitals have been closed down and the long list of people in rural communities who put their caring into action. Thank you.
Marilyn Peltonen
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